🐕 3 GOLDEN NUGGETS FRIDAY 🐕 - Austin's Favorite Tactical Insight For Fast Growing Pet Brands.

#1 🐕

The stat that is easiest to improve by 2x is where the constraint is.

Most companies below $50k/mo have problems 4-7.

Most companies above $100k/mo have problems 1-3.

For example, if the CTR is .40%, that would be a very easy stat to double.

Good creative can easily get 1-2% CTR.

If your Conversion Rate is 8%, then thats typically pretty high and there would be other higher levers you could pull.

#2 🐕

Before you drop $5k on a creative agency, take 5 minutes to validate some good headlines with note pad ads.

This can save you thousands of dollars.

Step 1: Write out headlines.

V1: NO MORE ITCHING!! New probiotic for dogs can help.

V2: 79 cents/day = no more itching. Is your dog worth it?

V3: Headshaking, pawlicking, & scratching are signs your dog needs a probiotic ASAP.

Run the ads.

Best performing ads turn into a video.


Maybe I'm biased, but finding winning headlines is a lot of fun.

#3 🐕

We have over $100m of sales data in the pet industry.

Paid ad funnels take pet brands to 7 & 8 figures.

Not organic company socials.

Focus on the highest leverage problems even if they are harder problems.

Those are my favorites. Which one did you like best?


p.s. forward this to your friends in the dog industry so they can get a few of these golden nuggets!

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p.s.s [sell more pet products with fresh creative] 
pet creative