🐕 3 GOLDEN NUGGETS FRIDAY 🐕 - Austin's Favorite Tactical Insight For Fast Growing Pet Brands.

#1 🐕

The second something works, people are going to copy it.

I've consulted over 1,012 businesses the last 6 years.

The company that focuses on:

1. Getting new customers
2. Making customers worth more

Will ALWAYS beat the company worrying about competition.

#2 🐕

Bark Box and Crocs do a collab.

Behind the scenes we are working on partnership opportunities for our clients.

Lots of you have big email lists and products with synergy.

For example, If you sell Hip & Joint pet supplements we could pair you with a pet red light therapy company.

Easily sell other products via email list and get paid.

More to come later. Answer my cold emails when I hit you up about it :)

#3 🐕

Ever heard the term forward thinking, backwards planning?

It's a goal-setting strategy that involves starting with the end in mind and then working backwards to create a plan.

Lets plan to add an extra $1m-$5m to your pet brand in 30 seconds.

- Which DTC pet brands are the biggest in the industry?
 Let me ask ChatGPT.

What are they doing to get customers? Let me look at their ads in 
FB Ad Library.

Looks like they make direct response ad videos about 1-minute long. Where can I get these for my brand? I'll get new creative at 
Pet Creative or Learn how myself.

I got videos now. Can I convert the traffic above a revenue per session of $2.50? No, I need help. I'll work with 
DogConnectors to fix my funnel or do it internally.

Cool I got ad videos and a website that actually makes money. Now I need a traffic source? Turn on facebook ads at $200/day. Make an account at 

How can I improve my cashflow? Send 20+ emails per month using Klaviyo. I'll do this myself because I am bootstrapped or hire 
DogConnectors. I will not, not do this.

How do I scale? Well 
this video says spend more on ads if I exceed these KPI's. I'll do that.

How much ad spend do other top brands allocate for about $1m of revenue added? $250k to $400k is what I can tell. I will plan for that.

How to improve my profits? Looks like I need to increase the price of my products 3-15%. Lets do that.

My conversion rate on my website dropped. Now what? I'll install 
Intelligems and make tweaks to my social proof and headline to improve conversions.

How do I continue to grow? I will follow 
the big 3 until I hit my goals.

Those are my favorites. Which one did you like best?


p.s. forward this to your friends in the dog industry so they can get a few of these golden nuggets!

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p.s.s [sell more pet products with fresh creative] 
pet creative