🐕 3 GOLDEN NUGGETS FRIDAY 🐕 - Austin's Favorite Tactical Insight For Fast Growing Pet Brands.

#1 🐕

How to scale into untapped audiences. Send to your team.

#2 🐕

Been getting this question a ton. Here is my answer if you want my opinion.

#2.5   Sponsor S/O: 100+ Influencers & UGC Reviews In Less Than 16-Weeks Done For You Service

You can get some more information about it here (

#3 🐕

Because of agency fees, you become more profitable the sooner you can raise your minimum revenue threshold.

So just like we have ad spend budgets for the most you can spend.Think about ad spend minimums ($15k) to work up to with your agency partner as you see "momentum".

If not, you will operate in the red because your sales can't cover your overhead and you will get anxious and need a miracle from your ad spend.

Ad spend is like gas for a car. You would not expect 1 tank of gas to take you from California to Florida. You would not expect a 10x ROI from your ad spend.

If you can create business unit economics that allow you to be 10-25% profitable when your Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER) is 2.5x-4x you will win.

Those are my favorites. Which one did you like best?


p.s. forward this to your friends in the dog industry so they can get a few of these golden nuggets!

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p.s.s [sell more pet products with fresh creative] 
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